As market rules change, so do the solutions we deliver.

Market Operations

Our experienced team dives deep into the ever-changing ISO market rules to maximize customer value and mitigate risks. As market rules change, so do the solutions we deliver.

We guided our customers into New England’s “new markets” in May 1999, and continued through the launch of Standard Market Design in 2003 which introduced locational pricing as well as day-ahead and real-time markets. When the Forward Reserve Market was introduced in 2004, we worked with customer peaking resources to monetize new revenue opportunities. When ISO New England moved to weekly then twice weekly billing, we ramped up our billing and settlement agent capabilities to monitor financial assurance requirements and ensure our customers remain current. As the New England capacity market has evolved, we have helped maximize generator revenue and minimize cost to serve consumer demand.

We ensure customer fossil fuel and renewable generating assets are compliant with market rules and maximize revenue opportunities. This starts with precise hourly bid generation tools, and continues into capacity and ancillary market participation. Similarly, we are working with energy storage projects to participate in the regulation market as alternative technology regulation resources.

  • Day-ahead and real-time demand and generation bidding
  • 3 Part Bid Development
  • Renewable / Intermittent Resource market rule compliance including evolving bidding & scheduling requirements
  • Capacity market position management
  • Ancillary market participation
  • Shadow settlement
  • Invoice tie out and settlement
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